INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2016, Nashville (Estados Unidos de América). 13-16 noviembre 2016
The main objective is to present a new approach to model the storage operation in the context of Medium-and Long-term Operational Planning (MLTOP). This approach is based on the system-state framework but including transmission constraints. A DC power flow approach is used to represent the transmission network. The methodology is related to clustering techniques usin information such as demand and wind generation per node. Case studies are presented in order to compare the newly proposed methodology and the hourly approach. The results illustrate the computational time reduction without loss of accuracy in the solution.
Fecha de publicación: 2016-11-13.
D.A. Tejada, S. Wogrin, E. Centeno, Optimizing storage operations in transmission-constrained networks for medium-and long-term operation, INFORMS Anual Meeting - INFORMS 2016, Nashville (Estados Unidos de América). 13-16 noviembre 2016.